Seven times table
Position, Colour and image to help you remember your times tables! Before you start, make sure you understand how it works.
Then, focus on location and learn where the SEVEN TIMES table is positioned.
Location, location!
The SEVEN TIMES table has nine positions and these are always in the TOP RIGHT.
Similarly, there are nine tables. If we multiply BY SEVEN, the answer will also always be in the TOP RIGHT position within each table.
7 x
Location, colour and image combined
When a number is multiplied by SEVEN, the answer will always be in BLUE in the TOP RIGHT position.
Also, within the overall picture, the big BLUE box in the TOP RIGHT position, holds the SEVEN TIMES table. Here, the colour of each number depends on the number we are multiplying with.
Finally, we can connect an image to each table. In the worksheets below, we associate a FLAG with the SEVEN TIMES table.
Interestingly, when we look at all the tables combined (with each table in its own unique position), we discover some amazing facts about square numbers, symmetry, sums and relative relationships.